Mees Palace Football Academy is focused on developing children from onset through professional and vigorous training with the sole aim of impacting basic football skills and techniques.

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MPFA appoints Musa Ibrahim as new Assistant Academy Director

Embarking on a new journey at Mees Palace FA, Musa Ibrahim, the recently appointed Assistant Academy Director, is effusive in his praise for the unique ethos and structures that set Mees Palace apart. With a distinguished career spanning various football academies across Nigeria, Ibrahim has found something unparalleled in the heart of Mees Palace, prompting his decision to become a part of one of us.

“Coach Musa Ibrahim said, “What’s in Mees Palace is entirely different from anything I have seen previously throughout my coaching career.” The sentiment echoes the profound impact that Mees Palace’s approach has made on the seasoned coach.

The alignment of Coach Ibrahim’s player development philosophy with Mees Palace’s core values is what solidified his resolve to join forces with the academy. The holistic approach to nurturing young talent, encompassing not just football skills but also individual growth, has left an indelible mark on Coach Musa Ibrahim.

As he sets his sights on the future, Coach Musa Ibrahim envisions MPFA reaching global heights. “My vision for this academy is to see it globally, I want to see us succeed, see the players in the National team,” he passionately expresses.

A C-licensed coach with an ongoing pursuit of the UEFA B-License from the German Football Association and a dedicated student at the Global Institute of Sports, Ibrahim brings a wealth of experience garnered from his stints across various academies. Having previously held the position of Head Coach at Scoreline Sports in India and Al Gharbia Sports Club in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Coach Musa Ibrahim’s extensive background is poised to enrich the developmental journey of the young talents at MPFA.

Mees Palace FA has found a visionary mentor who not only recognizes the distinctive qualities of the academy but also harbours a fervent desire to elevate it to unprecedented heights. 

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